I am not a gardner, I hate to get my hands dirty (must be from working in a hospital for so long). The weeds were everywhere, I dreaded doing this job. I felt I didn't have the time or the tools to do it. But the Lord saw fit to help me.
What a blessing, what love, what a gift! Am I making too much of this, Not at all! Maybe who did this, didn't think much of it. Maybe they did it just to get rid of the weeds and not to help me. But I really don't think so! But I know the Lord has blessed me through this.
It wasn't just the act of cleaning this flower bed, it blessed me because I didn't ask someone to do it.
It blessed me because they done it in secret with no attention to themselves.
It blessed me because It was a need I had and God met it! He is so faithful!!! He shows me in the little things how He is still in the big things!!! and I am so thankful for that.
The girls asked me who did this, my answer I don't know but what we need to do is pray and ask God to bless them for blessing us!
Gen. 12:3 I will bless those who bless you.
Dear Lord,
I pray you will bless these friends who have blessed me so much. From their offers of help, to their kind words, to this act of love. Thank you Lord, for showing me how much you care for me. It is not just the big things you do, but the little things also. Thank you Lord for showing me how you are in the small things of my life. Thank you Lord!