A good-bye was coming.
It has been a hard week. We told the girls David would be leaving...they knew he would have to leave for training but we told them the big news...leaving for a year!
It was hard...the tears started to roll...the questions came...we answered what we could and we assured them as much as we could...but it never gets easier.
It has been a sweet week..We surprized the girls by getting them out of school early, going to the store, watching a movie and eating pizza...just being together as a family...but I knew what was coming...
In the corner of the room, while the girls quietly watched their movie, their Daddy was finishing up packing...packing for a short training trip...but nontheless...a good-bye
It is time...he must leave...we get some pictures...he starts hugs and kisses...down the stairs...load the car...
back for more hugs and kisses...time to go...down the stairs this time a girl clings to him...she wont let go...
she whines 'no don't go'...she starts crying...at the door she startles even me..."I'm not going to say good-bye!!...and she doesn't! She doesn't have to...he turns to her...looks down...leans in..."you don't have to say good-bye...I will be back before you know it...I love you Hollyn!"