Saturday, November 21, 2009

Homecoming and Daddy Little Girls!

Yesterday I picked David up at the air port. I was way early don't know if it was nerves or scared I would be late.
But once he got off the plane and walked through the door it was amazing. Just seeing his face and being able to hug and touch him was incredible. He wouldn't let go. and I do believe he was crying a little, What an awesome man who has emotions to express how much he loves me.
I can not put into words the how sweet it was to see the homecoming with the girls.

We picked up Corryn first, she smiled so big and ran into his arms telling him how much she missed him and then runs to her cubicle to get something for David. She had made cards for him. When we left, the girls normally run ahead of us but this time Corryn ran a little ahead STOPPED and Turned around and looked at David ( I think to make sure it wasn't a dream) and then ran back to him and grabbed his hand and walked with us.
Corryn is a big home body, she always wants to go home and never wants to go get Hollyn. But once we got in the car, she talked non stopped about we need to go get Hollyn so we are all together again.!! What a sweetie!!

At Hollyn school, we walked down the hill to the playground, she saw us, walk a little to us, then Stopped (could it be) then took off running yelling "Daddy, Daddy", they ran into each others arms, hugging and crying! Oh my! What a homecoming.!! I wish I had a camera, but my heart will alway hold this memory!

Neither girl could stop talking! I think they were pretty excited to have daddy home. We went to eat I asked for a big booth so both girls to sit by David. I sometimes feel like a fifth wheel but I really don't mind. I am glad he is home and we are together even if it is a short visit.
All night long, it was David and his too little girls, but I don't mind. They need him and he needs them, they are Daddy' Little Girls!!! and I wouldn't change anything about it.

1 comment:

Julie@comehaveapeace said...

It sounds like a wonderfully sweet homecoming! I can picture it as you write. I'm so glad for your time together.